September 18
Day 5 – NRG Arena, Houston, TX
I can’t believe it’s only been 5 days…I feel like I’ve been here for months. Probably because every bone and muscle in my body is aching and me feet and ankles have gone numb. The temporary shelter Best Friends has set up, is in the NRG Arena, next door to the Dome, and the floor is concrete.
The shifts are mostly 4hr shifts and I have signed up for 3 shifts most days. That’s a long time walking on concrete. Add to that, that some dogs are 90lb plus and pull in every direction when they’re walking. We walk on average 50 dogs a day per person. And it adds up. But hey, can’t blame the dogs. If I had to spend my life in a pen 24/7 except a few minutes of walking, you’re darn right I’d be pulling too, and you’d better hold on tight!
Some of them don’t even make it out to the grassy area. They end up doing their business next to a trash can or stack of dog food or any other place that can double for a fire post.
Now, not every single dog is 90lb+ and can’t wait to get out. Some of the dogs are 40lb+ big babies that are just too scared to walk down the aisles with barking dogs on each side. They are the ones we end up carrying outside.
Yes, they freeze in place and won’t move. But it’s ok, we don’t mind carry them but they do get heavy after a while.
One, in particular, is like a sack of potatoes. He is a gray and white pit and just has this super sweet “helpless” look on his face as he’s carried outside. We are all in love with him…and the other 499 dogs here.
That’s correct, the latest as of today is that we have close to 500 dogs here, and we have had 16 reunions.

Will you carry me, pretty please?
So today was a little different. Somehow my mind checked out, in a way. I am so emotionally in the red that I could start crying when someone asks me to borrow the chair next to me, at the lunch table. But I knew this would happen. I just didn’t think I was so poorly prepared. But then again, I didn’t know exactly what to expect neither. In hindsight, instead of overthinking how many pairs of socks to bring, I should’ve brought some Prozac…
But I did have a chance to visit with all my guys/gals and here’s the latest:
The skinny-minny momma is doing great. She sleeps most of the time. It’s probably the first time in a long long time she can rest without having to keep one eye open.
I’m convinced at this point, that she is a street dog who has just ended up getting pregnant time after time. Can’t help but wonder what happened to all her pups… but I push that thought to the back of my mind – I’m not ready to go there right now.
When she is awake, her tail starts wagging when I walk up to her pen and she actually walks up to the front of the pen to meet me for some one-on-one luv. That melts my heart…
The super gentle guy with all the bite marks? He is just as sweet as ever and a big teddy bear and would just let me sit there and love on him all day. He will turn his head to me and give me a look like “just 2 more minutes of luv, pueeeeze?” when he feels that I’m about to leave his pen. That’s my biggest struggle right now – leaving them – if even for a few hours. I can feel his eyes on my back every time I walk away…it’s all I can do not to turn.
Special time was as important to the volunteers as it was to the pets.
Next, I check on the super shy big baby in the library. For those just reading my posts for the first time – The Library is a section that’s somewhat blocked off from the rest of the dogs and “soundproofed” with flattened cardboard boxes. This is where we keep the tiniest dogs that are just too scared to be out amongst the rest of the world…and that’s where the big baby stays too. He is the biggest dog in the library, but probably more scared of the 2lb doggies than they are of him. He’s about 40lbs and refuses to leave his pen. For whatever reason, he has decided to trust me and actually goes with me for walks, as long as I’m humming Amazing Grace along the way! Today I took him on 2 walks between the “official” walks. That’s when I can spend any time I want with him. He just loves going to the “haven” and sit in the shade under the tree and be “hummed” to. (is that a word????) “Haven” is far enough away that he can’t hear the dogs in the Arena barking. I have no doubt he would sit there all day if he could. So we sit there and I sing Amazing Grace over, and over, and over… And the look he gives me in return makes my heart smile…
And little Mr. Don’t-Want-To-Eat. He has actually been nibbling a little on his food 2 days in a row now, so I have to take him on his little extra walks too. We had that deal, this little guy and I. If he would eat, I’d take him on walks so he would get out of his crate. Today I ended up being his official walker and he was jumping and bouncing, and having a blast.
Clearly, he is getting some of the fire back, so I officially took him off my worry list. And of course, he melts my heart as well…!
A volunteer on an early morning walk.
And then there is the little guy I will be adopting unless his family claims him before his adoption date comes up. I won’t be posting him here. Trying not to get too attached to him in case it doesn’t work out…but yeah, of course, my heart melted the second I laid eyes on him. It was love at first sight.
On a different note, many of you have texted me asking about donations and volunteering.
I’m including a few links below where to go to sign up as a volunteer, as well as donations that donations.
Lastly, I would love to start a petition to make it mandatory for shelters to spay/neuter the intakes. As of right now, most counties have no regulations on that, leading to overcrowded shelters and a huge street dog population, which are all malnourished, suffering from injuries and in overall poor health.
If anyone knows how to get that started, please let me know!
And a link to a happy renunion. This is what makes it all worth it!
Again, thank you all for your continued, prayers, thoughts and support. I could not do this on my own. I’m so blessed to have friends like you all! Luv, hugs and kisses, and more to come tomorrow…
Any place is a great place for some quality time and kisses. Pam is enjoying some one-on-one time with her special friend.
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